Going Home
Summer 2006: Four seasons in the wild
Heather and her partner Ryan will move into the new cabin and prepare to bed down for an arctic winter of 60 below and 24 hours of darkness, then brace themselves for the ice melt and a breathtaking spring and then, finally, to experience the 24 hour summer light. They also hope to finish rebuilding the old study that Fred Meader had once built for Elaine. Through this experience Heather hopes to understand more fully what this world once was: intense and beautiful wilderness, and how our present world can best interact with it. She also hopes to take this time to understand and experience better her family’s passion to isolate themselves from society in this breathtaking wilderness.
Ryan and Heather are now making plans to return to the Lake for 15 months. Now for the big questions: how many pounds of rice, flour, sugar, etc. do you bring up for a year? What books will sustain you through a cold dark winter? Remember, there is no electricity, no phones, no computers, no roads...but there will be beauty, solitude and the northern lights! Wish us luck!
You can get updates on Heather and Ryan's journey via emails from Northern Light Legacy. Please email northernlightlegacy@yahoo.com if you'd like to be added to their email list.

Ryan and Heather are now making plans to return to the Lake for 15 months. Now for the big questions: how many pounds of rice, flour, sugar, etc. do you bring up for a year? What books will sustain you through a cold dark winter? Remember, there is no electricity, no phones, no computers, no roads...but there will be beauty, solitude and the northern lights! Wish us luck!
You can get updates on Heather and Ryan's journey via emails from Northern Light Legacy. Please email northernlightlegacy@yahoo.com if you'd like to be added to their email list.